Introduction To Cryptocurrencies

Dear Crypto-Enthusiast,

We know that in ancient days, commodities essential to daily living were considered money (e.g. cows and chickens) and traded among micro-economies. Then the modernization of society and urban cities brought the need to track money and value across large territories of land, which resulted in the birth of paper and coin money issued from the ruling governments.
A quarter of a century ago, an invention called the World-Wide-Web made it possible for people to buy and sell virtually anything, to anyone around the world using bank-issued credit cards, which are a substitute for paper and coin issued currencies and provide electronic payment.
Finally, several years ago, a new form of money that is native to the internet was born - Cryptocurrencies.

Below, we explore what this new type of money is, how it works, and how you can get involved. Additional content as articles, Ted Talks, class presentation are available and directly accessible from our Google Drive folder.
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All the best,
