What's the Hult B.R.C.? - First Chapter

Dear Crypto-Enthusiast,

Before all else, it is important to introduce ourselves, the Hult Blockchain Research Center.

We aim to:

  1. Educate students on Blockchain technology, its ecosystem, disruptive potential, and various applications within different fields. Research analysis tools will be offered and taught in order to achieve the Club’s short-term goal: To provide full autonomy to members in terms of obtaining candidates, updated information and advancements news, related to Blockchain and its encompassing environment.
  2. As the long-term goal, B.R.C. aims to empower members with a digital asset expertise, obtained through Blockchain sub-industry analysis and recurring formulation and publication of reports. Such reports and analysis will constitute a database, open and accessible to everyone, that will serve not only as a research source but will also provide experience as well as a differentiation factor to members when seeking future employment.

Thanks to the dedication and hard work of its members, B.R.C. in collaboration with Chiliarchy Capital and Hult International BS is launching the school's first ever investment fund, exclusively focusing on cryptocurrency investments.

The fund will be open to student investors by the end of 2018's second quarter and performance reports will be published every two months, accessible through this platform.

For now, please find attached to this post the first educative content we have been teaching at the current scholar year. The content is organized in chapters that cover certain subjects.

First Chapter: Distributed Ledger and Blockchain Technologies

Each chapter is composed of 3-4 pdf files and a presentation. The pdf files summarize the class content on the topic, proposes extra readings, explanatory videos and Ted Talks on the chapter. This content is also accessible through the following Google Drive link.

We hope you will find this documentation helpful and welcome any feedback or questions you may have.

Follow us to stay updated!

All the best,

Chafic El Kurdi
Founder & President
